How to use STAR Method Technique for Interview Questions?

How to use STAR Method Technique for Interview Questions?

The STAR interview technique provides a straightforward layout to help candidates answer behavioural interview questions. These interview questions require you to give actual incidents where you handled a challenging situation at work. They are easily recognised since they have telltale openings like;

What do you do when…
Tell me about…
Have you ever…
Describe a…
Your response has to be compelling and easy to comprehend. The STAR interview method comes in handy by providing a simple framework to employees and helps them to tell the truth about their previous job experience. STAR is an acronym that stands for;

Situation: This allows you to set a scene and present the necessary details.
Task: it describes your responsibility in the given case.
Action: it explains the steps you took to address the situation.
Result: you can share the outcome of the actions you took.
These four components make it easier to give a focused answer.

How to Answer Interview Questions using STAR

Knowing what the acronym stands for is helpful. However, you must know how to use it. The following steps will ensure a candidate gives appropriate answers during an interview.

1. Find a suitable example

The STAR interview method needs a relevant anecdote for it to be successful. Thus one needs to find an appropriate scenario from their professional history to expound on. Since it’s hard to predict the exact questions, having a list of behavioural interview questions helps you make informed predictions. It allows you to develop a few relatable stories that you can tweak to adapt to different questions. You can brainstorm some success stories in your previous job and analyse how to discuss them using the STAR framework. If you struggle to find a suitable answer during an interview, you can ask for more time to think it through.

2. Layout the situation

Once you have selected a suitable anecdote, it’s time to roll out the scene. If you are nervous, take a deep breath to remain calm. Being nervous can cause you to include unnecessary details. Give precise answers. The goal is to paint a clear picture of a given situation and emphasise its complexities without eliminating the truth. Ensure the details you give are concise and focus on what’s relevant to your story. The STAR method helps you to provide precise answers without providing unnecessary information.

3. Highlight the task

Remember, you are not telling a story but sharing an experience since you were actively involved in the situation. At this point, you help your interviewer better understand you and position you where you fit in. Sometimes, highlighting your task is confused with the action part of your response. Remember that you are required to give specifics of your responsibilities in the stated scenario. At this point, you provide the objectives set for you before diving into the action you took.

4. Share the action you took

Since the interviewer has clarity on your previous role, it’s time to explain your actions to achieve the set objectives and solve the problem. Avoid being general with your response. It’s your chance to showcase your contribution to a specific case scenario. Ensure the information you give is adequate and identify whether you worked alone or with a team. You can also indicate if you used any tools or developed a different strategy to achieve your goals.

5. Give out the achieved results

Your final response piece shows the results your actions produced. It explains how your contribution had a positive impact. Avoid telling stories that negatively affect the results since it doesn’t impress the interviewer. You can’t prevent challenges. However, ensure you end on a high note and share lessons learned from the experience. An essential part of your response is giving the results of your actions. Most interviewers want to know why your actions mattered. You can use numbers to drive a point on the results you achieved.

Most employees find the STAR interview process overwhelming at first. However, they can improve their skills by practicing. Exercise helps you to be comfortable when answering questions during an interview. With the right strategy and a little preparation, behavioural interview questions become an opportunity to emphasise your qualifications.

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