Signs to look out for when job hunting in a recession

Signs to look out for when job hunting in a recession

Many people who lost their jobs during the COVID 19 pandemic recession expected to get them back after six months. However, as the virus continues to spread, most people now realise that companies are not hiring. This has prompted some people to start looking for new job opportunities. Job hunting during a recession can be a challenging ordeal, especially since most businesses are trying to downsize. However, getting a job is not impossible if you know where to look. Below are signs to look for when job-hunting during these challenging times:

1. Look for continuously growing industries
Survey the market for sectors that are predicted to grow or are still thriving during the pandemic. Applying for a job in an industry that is continuously growing will increase your chances of employment. It can also decrease your chances of being laid off. Some top industries include healthcare, energy, computer, IT, food, and security industries. When applying for a job, select two to three co-related industries and target companies in those industries. Ensure that you are realistic about the industries you choose. You can’t apply for a medical practitioner slot when you have an accounting degree. However, you could apply for a medical accountant position in a hospital which will increase your chances of being hired.

2. Too-good-to-be-true work from home opportunities
Be careful when looking for a job online. Many scammers are pretending to be employers advertising work from home job opportunities, especially during the pandemic. Be wary of these opportunities, especially in the freelancing field. These scammers often do not pay for delivered work. Also be careful with online employers who ask you to send them some money or hand over your bank details.

3. Look for freelancing opportunities
Due to the pandemic’s financial impact on the economy, most companies are turning to freelancers and consultants who are less expensive than retaining a full-time employee. Look for signs of these shifts and update your resume effectively. Employers are hiring consultants to for immediate results and solutions to specific problems. When applying for such a job, demonstrate your expertise and experience in solving such issues in the past. You can also share some ways to approach the problem they are facing now. This will grab the attention of the hiring manager.

4. Apply in regions with a better job market
If you are willing to relocate, you can start applying in areas with a better job market. Even during the pandemic, some counties are experiencing better economic times than others; try applying for jobs in an area with better job market conditions than others. Make sure you do some thorough research before deciding to relocate. Before packing up your house and moving from Brisbane to Adelaide, make sure you are financially ready and mentally prepared for the move. Conduct a cost-benefit analysis to confirm if relocating to the new city will make a difference.

The best way to land a job during a recession is by being creative. Creativity will always help you navigate through tough economic times. Be resourceful and practical by maximising all the opportunities that come your way. If you don’t find a job in the industry you want, try other part-time jobs as you wait for your big moment-it could help you pay the bills. Being creative also means monetising your talents and hobbies. If you are a good cook, try starting a YouTube channel and teach your audience how to prepare certain foods. This could be your first step to a successful career as a chef.

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