5 easy ways to modernise your resume

5 easy ways to modernise your resume

5 Noticeable Ways to Revamp Your Resume

You sometimes may only receive one chance to make a first impression. The average hiring manager spends approximately six seconds scanning a resume, so it’s absolutely imperative to sell yourself- and time is of the essence.

Everyone knows traditional resume rules- one page, easy-to-read, highlight your accomplishments, and tweak the resume for every employer. Yet there are critical factors that make employers take note. It’s time to modernise your resume and maximise your results.

Here are 5 of our top tips for breathing new life into your resume:

1. Determine the type of resume best suited for you

Resumes can generally be grouped into three categories:

Hybrid is the way to go, as it is the best of both worlds and generally preferred by hiring managers. This format emphasises the skills and accomplishments of the employee, while minimising gaps in work history.

It is common practice now to include your LinkedIn information on your resume, regardless of format. Keep your LinkedIn page polished and current. Scrub anything unflattering or controversial from your all social media accounts- they will be seen.

2. Focus on keywords and skills

Do your keywords match those of the job description? Identify 2-3 keywords that you want to highlight in your resume and find ways to incorporate them naturally- without keyword stuffing.

What prospective bosses really want to know is if their employees have the skills necessary to excel in the position. A good way to show your qualifications before the body of the resume is to utilise a headline statement. This statement summarises why you’d be an ideal fit and should also include your primary keyword.

3. Ditch anything outdated

Get rid of the objective (everyone wants to share their talents with the company!) and replace it with a summary section. Use 2-4 detailed sentences explaining why you are the best at what you do. If you don’t have an extensive employment history- or there are noticeable gaps in work timelines- shift the focus to your personality and skill mastery.

4. Use action words and quantifiable results

Strong action words deepen the impact of your resume against other prospective employees. What sounds better?

– Brought in new customers and increased revenue as a Top Seller
– Excelled as Top Seller For 2021 and consistently locked new clients into contracts while increasing monthly revenue 20% on average.

Words such as spearheaded, awarded, and coordinated speak to your leadership abilities and merits for which you were rewarded. Be as specific as possible when it comes to your accomplishments- titles, recognition, and numerical statistics are always a plus. This is one situation where it’s definitely encouraged to ‘toot your own horn.’

5. Highlight remote work experience and navigating the pandemic

The pandemic changed the way we do business, on both a local and international level. Office and in-store employees went remote as businesses went into quarantine. Countless people scaled down their work hours or lost their jobs entirely.

How did you adapt to these unprecedented times? Show employers that you can roll with the punches and major changes do not throw you off your game. Share your silver linings from working during Covid, such as teaching your colleagues how to use Zoom and Slack.

Chances are, this will be some form of an interview question, so be prepared to further expound upon it. However, incorporating your adaptability, creativity, and determination is a strong suit. Acknowledging the pandemic also shows you stay abreast of current events.

Such critical factors guarantee your resume stands out from the masses. These tips come with a proven track record of success. A modernised resume gets you noticed- and hired.

Once you’ve scored an interview, prepare yourself thoroughly and be prepared to answer any difficult questions (in addition to the standard ones). Practice mock interviews with a trusted friend or spouse. Here’s to your new job!

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