Four Steps to Becoming an Effective Manager

Four Steps to Becoming an Effective Manager

Becoming a manager in today’s business climate is no longer just about your expertise in your field, as new skills can be learned through upskilling and professional development. It’s more about your potential as a leader and your ability to inspire a team to perform to the best of their abilities.  According to Gallup, managers account for at least 70% of their employee’s engagement levels. Moving into a management role can be overwhelming however, that means you have faith in your abilities and are ready for a new challenge, such as managing a team.  Below are some ways in which you can get into management:


  1. Discuss opportunities with HR


If you work in a larger organisation, it’s important to know your HR team! The people who work in HR will be across any management related opportunities. These are the individuals that can guide you and advise how to progress into those positions.


  1. Develop People skills


One of the essential skills for any manager is the ability to manage and work in a team setting. Teach yourself to think, function and react when faced with a difficult decision. As a manager, it is ultimately your responsibility to ensure that projects are complete and delivered on time. There will be instances where you must make difficult decisions that can have a knock-on effect on the rest of the team. Delivery and communication is key here and being aware of such situations are important because it can also establish your persona as a manager to colleagues that know you before your management upgrade.


  1. Lifelong Learning

If you are interested in climbing the corporate ladder, one of the most recognisable degrees is the Master of Business Administration. Now, the beauty of certain MBA programs is that they can be completed 100% online. You can continue to work full time and keep professional and personal commitments, whilst gaining an internationally recognised degree.  An MBA can provide you with the essential management, communication The more you have on a resume the better for you because it demonstrates that you think differently, embrace change and overall want to keep growing in your career.


  1. Show Initiative

It’s important to show initiative and let your work speak for you. Find a mentor and ask them, how did you get to where you are, what would you recommend I do. A mentor is someone that is an excellent source of knowledge and embodies what a great manager should be. Another way to show your dedication to becoming a manager is asking if there is anything you can do to help. When you are continually going above and beyond your job responsibilities, you will be recognised in no time!


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