The Benefits of Online Study

The Benefits of Online Study

Have you considered studying online? Many people want to pursue a postgraduate course such as an MBA to progress in their career, upskill or increase their annual salary. For most busy professionals in the 21st century taking a year or two out of their careers to focus on study simply isn’t an option. Life is busy, and everyone has personal and professional commitments that simply don’t fit in with full time work and full-time study.

Course such as an MBA delivered 100% online now offers inspiring leaders the chance to work full time, gain an internationally accredited degree and keep those personal commitments. Students can study anytime, anywhere and access their coursework and assignments at the touch of a button. We’ve outlined some of the main benefits below:

Career Progression

Studying online allows you to work full-time whilst gaining a degree and will also allow you to apply your studies to the workplace in real-time. This is a unique benefit as it encourages immersive learning applying theory into practice. Not to mention that the average MBA graduate increases their salary by 77% after graduation.


The ability to study wherever you want, in an environment that works best for you can be extremely beneficial, you can study from the comfort of your own home or even at the park – it’s your choice. Traditional on-campus study has a rigid timetable with set intake dates, however online study has up to 6 different intakes throughout the year – offering greater flexibility when life gets in the way!


Online study costs are significantly lower than their on-campus counterparts. This is by no means reflective of the qualification as an online MBA is the same as an on-campus MBA, it’s just delivered in a different way.


There is no denying that online study requires a certain amount of self-discipline and responsibility. It’s up to you to manage your time effectively around other commitments and make sure your assignments are submitted in time. But, is this a bad thing? Everyone can benefit from additional self-discipline and moving into senior management roles will require extra self-discipline and responsibility – it’s part of the training!


As we move further into an era of rapid digital transformation, emerging technologies are having an impact on all industries and organisations. Online study is bringing education into the 21st century and allowing students to connect at the touch of a button. The days of textbooks are numbered and online study allows tutors to keep course content relevant and up to date.

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