How to turn work related stress into accomplishments?

How to turn work related stress into accomplishments?

If you work with others, you probably ask questions about how to turn work-related stress and anxiety into accomplishments. Answers to this critical question often depend on multiple factors, including hiring others to implement your plan and the alignment with other employees with whom you work.

Personality factors, competitive behaviours, and hiring the right employees for team culture can impact productivity at work. Before answering the question, “What’s next?”
use the following tips to move ahead in a current position or to identify new opportunities to grow your career.

Tip #1. Get Happy to Turn Work-Related Stress into Accomplishments.

Many people find that built-up sadness over career issues can affect their confidence. Ridding oneself of sadness involves answering the question, “What makes me happy?”
To let go of sadness, consider the physical, mental, and emotional effects of career-related depression, anxiety, and stress. Rehabilitating your career is difficult if you feel Stress, Anxiety, and Depression (SAD).

To overcome these SAD factors, (1) Use anxious energy to create and improve life; (2) Desire success! It’s time to push aside what’s in the past, and (3) Flip the script to focus on success. Note: It’s also a good idea to consult with a qualified counsellor to support these positive decisions. A personal therapist or career counsellor is a good place to start. Work with both professionals if possible!

Mostly, find opportunities to laugh and find ways to wrap your laughing gear around some of the tiny tragedies causing stress at work. Office life can seem like a dog’s breakfast, but it doesn’t have to be.

Tip #2. Use Anxiety to Accomplish Goals.

Constant stress at work can turn into anxiety. Anxiety may become fear that makes one doubt their abilities to accomplish goals. It’s critical to have faith in the ability to accomplish goals. Instead of starting with a major goal, break the goal down into smaller steps. In this way, faith in the ability to achieve the next step grows.

According to the Anxiety & Depression Association of America, workplace anxiety may include:

• Fear of deadlines
• Fear of authority
• Fear of working in groups or speaking at meetings (or public speaking in general)
• Fear of coworkers
• Fear that the quality of one’s work is less than it should be

Consider at least 10 ways to turn anxieties into accomplishments in the workplace:

• Make a daily task list. Break down each task into smaller steps.
• Develop a transparent and open relationship with your manager.
• Create a support network within your work team: seek help with complex tasks when necessary.
• Ask members of your team if you need more information about what’s expected.

Discuss any questions you have in a short face-to-face meeting when possible. Phone calls or emails might not provide the clarity you need to complete the task.

• Avoid drama or politics in the workplace. These scenarios feed anxiety.
• Establish realistic deadlines. Never take on too many other assignments when you must meet a deadline for an assigned task.
• Stay on track. Provide regular progress reports. If you need to extend a deadline, members of the team won’t be surprised because they received your updates.
• Surround yourself with calm at work. Listen to music in your office or spend an hour in a quiet conference room when possible.
• Go to bed earlier. Getting enough sleep helps you to feel more relaxed and less stressed.
• Talk to a qualified therapist about your anxious feelings.

Managing anxiety can be challenging. It requires self-awareness to learn new coping skills. Focus on every small win and learn to view challenges with more positivity. Just because you didn’t succeed at something on the first try, don’t give up.

Tip #3. Overcome Depression by Dominating It.

The American Psychiatric Association (APA) says that depression symptoms may include:

• Difficulty sleeping
• Feelings of lethargy, loss of energy
• Problems in concentrating
• Loss of pleasure or interest in activities

• Appetite changes: eating more or less than usual
• Thoughts of death

Depression is treatable. Any or all of these symptoms may affect your work and stress levels. It may be impossible to think about your job if you’re severely depressed.
Talk about your feelings with a trusted friend. If you’re depressed, a professional therapist can help you reach for your dreams at work. Most importantly, find someone to hear your thoughts to get past feelings of depression:

• Ask if your employer offers confidential resources. You may have access to confidential counselling from your employee relations department.
• Take regular work breaks. Enjoy your life! Get some fresh air and sunshine for a few minutes at a time at work. These breaks can help you to overcome depression or “the blues.”
• Decorate your office or cubicle. If you work in an office, bring art or pictures to decorate the space. Make it yours.
• Exercise at lunch. Find a workout buddy!
• Lunch with friendly coworkers. Get away from the office for 30 minutes or more. Try new foods or restaurants.
• Rejuvenate yourself. How many hours do you work each week? Use a daily planner to check off your goals (above) and plan to leave early one or two days a week.

Use some or all of these tips to turn stress and anxiety into accomplishments in your work and personal life. Learn to manage feelings of sadness and stress to determine their impact on your career. Turn negative thoughts and energy into accomplishments. While it might not be possible to completely rid yourself of stress, you’re in control. Lessen the amounts of stress and anxiety and your responses to them to make the successful life you deserve. It looks good on you.

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