How to write an elevator pitch?

How to write an elevator pitch?

An elevator pitch or an elevator speech is a short synopsis about you and the products or services you are offering. The name was coined because the presentation should take a short span; ideally that you pass all the information over an elevator ride.

The overview must be concise to ensure that it shares who you are, what you do, or what industry you serve. You are the only person who knows yourself best, so you must place your best foot forward in the limited time to stimulate interest.

When seeking employment, you must ensure that your elevator pitch factors in critical information about your career and strengths. When hiring employees, the employer wants to understand that you are up to the task.

In writing your elevator pitch, you must consider all the critical factors to present a compelling elevator pitch. A well-written and concise elevator pitch will maximize your chances of employment since you have a winning elevator pitch.

Steps on Writing an Effective Elevator Pitch

1. Give details of who you are and what you do. The introduction should contain your name, what you studied, and relevant experience and skills.

2. Indicate what makes you unique in your work. Explain what sets you apart from the rest of the job seekers to sell yourself.

3. Explain what you want and why you are a helpful asset that the company requires. State to the employer the skills you possess that make you a good fit for the job. Employees must state precisely the skill that is relevant to the job being sought.

4. Conclude with a strong ending that asks for what you wanted but not in a demanding tone. It should be a call to action showing your anticipation to get the job.

5. Edit and practice your pitch to correct any errors and to get an idea of the timing you should use. Practicing allows you to set a confident, professional tone that strikes a conversation.


The Structure of an Elevator Pitch

1. The pitch should be brief
Ideally, the speech should last sixty seconds or should not be longer than an elevator ride. Ensure that you do a short recap of your career objectives and work history.

2. Share your skills
The elevator pitch must state the skills you have and how those skills make you an asset to your prospective employer. Do not be boastful but ensure that you table in all your qualifications to the hiring team.

3. Master the art of persuasion
The elevator pitch should spark an interest in the listener to want to know who you are and what skills you have. The rise must be short but should contain all the compelling facts.

4. Express your goals
While you do not need to be too specific, you must mention the goals you have in your career path. Expressing your goals also opens up different opportunities for you in your career life.

5. Be Flexible and Positive
When delivering an elevator pitch, you are probably not applying for a specific position, so you need to be open-minded to make a great first impression.

What to Avoid Saying in an Elevator Pitch

1. Do not ramble
Ensure that you have a clear perspective of what you want to say. When you ramble, you will likely get off track and have unclear sentences that make the conversation one-sided.

2. Do not speak very fast
Speaking too fast will make it hard for your listener to hear and understand what you are saying.

3. Do not use a monotone
While practicing your pitch is good, the chances are that if you overdo it, your tone will be monotonous. It would be best to be clear and precise with a high technique and energy that brings out an enthusiastic and confident voice.

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