What to do if you aren’t hearing back from employers

What to do if you aren’t hearing back from employers

When you are not hearing back from employers, there are a few things that you can do to make your resume and application stand out. You might not have realized that you can do this, and you should make sure that you have read through your cover letter, read through your resume, and read your application before sending it. Employers ask you to fill out several sections of the application even though you have submitted a resume, and you will notice that it helps to write up everything in business “lingo”.

Check Your Resume

You should check your resume to make sure that it has been written in business language that hiring managers will understand. These people are used to reading certain types of resumes that are written in a certain way. This means that you should rethink how you say what you did at your job.

For example, a teacher should say that they “taught X classes with X class sizes”. Teachers should say something like “successfully instructed classes ranging from X to Y with excellent performance reviews, attendance, and participation. Students generated studies on a range of topics from X to Y, and they grew in their understanding with my guidance before their successful promotion to grade X”.

You want your resume to sound much more impressive than you think it is. You can use this type of language with anything that you do, and you want to make sure that it takes up a little bit more space than normal. When there is not much to read, the hiring manager will think that you have not done much.

Check Your Cover Letter

You want to use the same kind of language when you are writing your cover letter. The cover letter will show that you have the experience and knowledge to help the company, and the cover letter should explain some of the highlights of your resume. You can pull an excerpt from your resume, and you can include that in your cover letter to make it easier to read.

Check The Application You Have Completed

You should check your application to make sure that it reads like your resume and cover letter. You need to teach yourself to write in the “business lingo” that is mentioned above. When you use this writing style in the application, the hiring manager will think that you write in these terms all the time. That is why it is important to be as vociferous as possible when describing how you would handle a situation.

You should also read through the application to make sure that you have written everything in a way that will appeal to the company. You need to talk about what the company does every day, and you can explain how your experience can be used to better the company.

Find Someone To Follow Up With

You should find someone to follow up with when you are trying to get hired. Make sure that you have found a manager that you can reach out to for assistance. You do not want to be aggressive, but you need to be persistent so that your application will be read. You might also want to work with people that you feel suit your personality. You can get in touch with the manager for the division where you want to work, or you can reach out to the HR team when you have not heard back from the company.

Phone calls are always better than emails, but you need to make sure that you keep the phone calls as brief as possible so that you do not annoy the people that you are working with.


If you are not hearing from employers, you can use all these tips to make sure that you get your application read. You can improve your resume, and you ensure that you stand out among the crowd. You need to use “business lingo” to impress the people who are hiring, and you also need to make sure that you have talked more about what you are doing. When you do not make yourself look impressive, it is hard for a hiring manager to call you for an interview.

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