What not to do when searching for a job

What not to do when searching for a job

There are a lot of things that you should do when you’re applying for a position. However, there’s also a list that’s just as long of things that you shouldn’t do when you’re applying for work. Some of these don’ts can include having an unprofessional email address to including typos on your resume. This article will include plenty of other don’ts for you to avoid in your job search.

Not Knowing the Details Of Your Job History

All employers expect you to know every detail of your employment history. This includes dates, names of supervisors, and business information. Not knowing this type of information can really make you appear sloppy in the eyes of your interviewer. If you don’t know this data off the top of your head, take the time to compile these facts on one to two pieces of paper before you start interviewing.

Having an Unprofessional Email Address or Voicemail Message

Your personal email address can definitely play a role in whether you get hired for your dream job. “[email protected]*******.com” will give you a poor reputation among your potential employers. If you have that type of email address, open up an email account just for your job search. Gmail and all of the other free email services make it extremely easy to do this.

Having a Grammatically Messy Resume

Whether it’s a cover letter, resume, or just a quick email inquiring about a timeline for the hiring process, you should always check the message or text for typos. Many people don’t think that small mistakes matter, but they definitely do. Typos tell the employers that you’re not a conscientious person and that you will allow mistakes to go through on important business documents. Typos make the company look bad, so employers want people who care about their company’s image.

Conducting Job Search Activities On Your Work Computer

Many employers monitor their employees’ activities on their work computer. While this fact may not surprise you, what may shock you is that your employer has the right to fire you if they see that you’re updating your resume or emailing potential employers. To prevent early job loss, do all of your job search activities on your home computer. Losing your current job before you get a new one can drastically alter the trajectory of your job search.

Taking Advantage Of Your Network

These days, everyone’s telling you to use your network to find a job. But you should never use your connections to get out of the hiring process altogether. When working with your network to procure a job, make sure that your connection is advocating for you in a professional manner. Having unprofessional connections can hurt your job search now and in the future.

Not Limiting Public Access to Your Social Media Accounts

You will only have to do this if you have material or photos that you would not want potential employers to see. Job searchers who have a personal website should make sure that all of the content on it is appropriate for your potential employers to look through. Because many of them will look at it.

Not Bringing Extra Copies Of Your Resume

If there is one definite “not” on this list, forgetting to bring extra resumes to your interview would be it. You never know how disorganized your interviewer will be beforehand. Not having extra copies of your resume will make you appear to be not only disorganized. You will also appear as if you just don’t care whether or not you’re offered the position.

Being Late For An Interview

This is probably another definite “not” on this list. To prevent this from happening, get directions to the location several days before the interview. If you think there’s even a chance that you’ll get lost, drive or travel by public transportation to the location before the day of the interview. Being late to an interview is a big red flag to any interviewer. Do everything you can to prevent that from happening.

While there are quite a few not’s to think about when applying for a job, it’s not hard to avoid them. With some conscientiousness and a bit of common sense, you can search for your new job without committing a grave error.

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