Top 5 Career Ideas for 2022

Top 5 Career Ideas for 2022

The world of work is changing. The rise of the gig economy has created a new class of freelancers and contractors rather than traditional employees. The workforce is also evolving as more industries become automated and AI systems take the place of workers. All these changes have happened because we’ve entered an era where technology will drive change in every aspect of our lives including jobs! There are a number of factors that will determine the top jobs for career changers in 2022. In this blog post, we’ll explore five top jobs you may want to consider for 2022 if you’re looking for something different from your current job or career path.

1. Voice Actors

According to a recent report by OC&C Strategy Consultants, humans are predicted to spend 12 billion hours talking to machines each year by 2022. This vast amount of time spent interacting with voice technology will likely open up new opportunities in the field of voice assistance. Similar to how chatbots have already begun being utilised for customer service support, companies could soon be hiring employees as virtual assistants who respond verbally when people request help through various devices and platforms. Opportunities may also arise in the area of entertainment, where voice assistants may become widely used for exclusive content or even in video games that can provide feedback through verbal responses. Factors such as these underscore the importance of having strong communication skills if you’re looking to work in this field.

2. Robot Designers

If you’re thinking of switching careers, it might be critical and worth your time to consider the field of robotics. According to estimates by PwC, around 10 million factory jobs are expected to become automated in China alone by 2030. A report on CNBC also predicts that new retail robots will become available for purchase within the next five years, with capabilities like locating items and checking inventory levels at nearby shelves. It’s likely that many human employees working these jobs will probably be displaced due to technological advancements. So, what are some other tech-related career paths expected to have growth potential during this same timeframe? Unsurprisingly, related tech jobs such as robot technician or AI programmer could be good career paths to consider. One amazing job that’s expected to become available in the near future is a robotic psychologist. With robots now gaining more human-like characteristics, it may become necessary for workers who specialize in certain areas of psychology to support the development and understanding of robot companions.

3. Blockchain Developer

Blockchain, the technology that powers digital currencies like Bitcoin, is one of the most critical disruptive forces sweeping through tech and finance industries today. Although still in its infancy compared to other mainstream technologies, blockchain is expected to see wider adoption as many large financial institutions adapt this developing technology into their business models. As investments continue to pour into companies building up blockchain infrastructure, many new jobs will likely be created to support the development and management of these new technologies. For those looking for a career in blockchain, becoming a developer specialising in creating new applications on top of this technology may open up job opportunities with large corporations that want to adopt this emerging technology into their business model.

4. Social Media Influencer

Influencer marketing is expected to continue its strong growth trend and see around $10 billion worth of total investment by 2023. With so many companies growing eager to work with public figures or personalities who can influence purchasing decisions, there’s likely going to be more demand for individuals with specific social media followings companies hiring as influencers. While it may not necessarily be related, working as an influencer could be a good stepping stone into other tech careers that provide the chance to work with emerging technologies. For example, working as an influencer could help individuals gain more visibility within tech sectors such as virtual reality or augmented reality which is expected to become popular focus areas for future tech trends.

5. Cybersecurity Specialist

What was once considered a niche but promising field is now becoming a growing necessity for every business and company in the world. As both companies and governments continue to discover new cyber vulnerabilities, it will require a large workforce who knows how to combat these potential threats. According to reports from Reuters, cybersecurity job postings saw an increase of 650% since 2017. With this huge surge in open positions, becoming a cybersecurity specialist is quickly becoming one of the most promising tech careers you can pursue. And for those already in the cybersecurity field, there will likely be plenty of opportunities for advancement and specialisation as this industry continues to grow.

In conclusion, as technology continues to advance, so too will the demand for tech-related professions. If you’re looking for a career that has growth potential and won’t be replaced by robots or AI anytime soon, it may be worthwhile to consider working in tech if you haven’t already.

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