Does your resume need to be refreshed?

Does your resume need to be refreshed?

Is your Resume really doing you justice? Check out these six tips to help you determine if your Resume is in need of a makeover:

  1. The title is Resume
    Employers review hundreds of Resumes a day and a title with Resume doesn’t tell the employer anything about you. Tell your employer your speciality or tertiary status such as Undergraduate, Graduate, Accounting Supervisor or Customer Service Representative etc.
  2. You have included age, height, weight, and relationship status
    Unless specified in the application process, do not include personal details as they may be used in a discriminatory fashion.
  3. You start with your career objective
    It is pretty obvious you are seeking more knowledge and experience. That’s why you’re applying for the job.  Lead with a list of the key skills you have to benefit the company.
  4. You have included all your jobs 
    As you gain more and more work experience, including a list of all your jobs in your Resume could knock you out of the employer’s consideration set.  The employer wants to see your most relevant skills so they can determine you have the experience they need to do the job. So make sure you tailor your Resume according to the skill set and qualifications the employer is asking for.
  5. Your Resume is more than 3 pages
    The purpose of your Resume is to gain an interview. So it’s important to sell your potential to the employer fast.  Keep your Resume between 1-3 pages and use bullet points and sub-headings (ie: Qualifications, Work Summary, Work Experience, Memberships etc.) to guide the employer through your relevant experience.
  6. You use the same Resume for every job application
    Your Resume is a living document and needs to be updated and tailored for every job application. Get into the habit of reviewing your Resume on a regular basis to keep it up to date.

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