How to Progress Your Career

How to Progress Your Career

If you find yourself feeling like you’re stuck in your career, remember that it’s up to you to get unstuck. Career progress is about more than having a desire to make it to the top. There needs to be wilful action, personal responsibility, and the understanding that this happens one step at a time. This is how to progress your career.

What is Career Progression?

Career progression is a steady process that can only be achievable with a plan. A reason so many people have trouble with career progression is that they’re hesitant to make decisions because they don’t have a specific end goal in mind. You can help yourself by outlining what exactly you want from your career. If you’ve just graduated from university, you might feel overwhelmed by the choices you have. Don’t narrow yourself down too much. Just consider what you would like to do and how you could reach that. If you’re in an entry-level position think about what the next step would be in order to reach a higher position. If you’re in middle management, consider how you can prove yourself as a great leader and take on more responsibilities, leading to an even higher position of authority.

Career Planning

Career planning is essential for anyone wanting to progress their career. You shouldn’t have just one plan, as you need to have a backup in case your primary plan doesn’t work out. With career planning, you should start with an outline and then move into more specific plans. For instance, if you want to become a manager at your business, think about where you are now and how you could make yourself more viable for that sort of promotion. It’s unlikely that you’ll have to do anything particularly drastic or wait for the perfect opportunity. Build off of your current efforts in ways that stand out to your employers.

Career Growth

Another reason people have trouble with progressing their careers is that they’re afraid to challenge themselves. For career growth to be achievable, you need to be willing to stretch yourself. Compare your skill-set to that of somebody who is a higher position. There could be only a couple of crucial skills that you’re lacking and which are hampering your career growth as a result. You don’t have to have mastery of all things at all times, but you do need to be capable of showing that you are up to the task of growing and learning. For a recent graduate, you won’t be expected to have as many skills as your more experienced peers, but you should be working towards gathering skills that would desirable for employers. Whether or not you’re pursuing a formal education, you should always be learning.

Career Development Conversation with Manager

To progress in your career, you need to be open about your goals. Your manager might not realise how ambitious you are unless you tell them. Find a time to discuss with them what you’re hoping to get out of your professional life and see what they have to say. A career development conversation with manager can lead to all kinds of important insights that you may have never considered. During your career development conversation with manager, be sure to take notes of their suggestions and thank them for their willingness to mentor you.

Personal Development

At the heart of career development is personal development. The kind of career you have reflects the kind of person you are. If you keep up a positive attitude and are open to trying new things, you’re going to have a more successful career. If you’re feeling frustrated by the state of your career, take time to assess the state of your personal life. Personal development means holding yourself accountable and looking for solutions instead of seeing obstacles. When you keep this in mind, your career, and your life, can really take off.

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