How to handle new job blues

How to handle new job blues

Honestly, starting a new job is a big challenge. You have to make the necessary adjustments to a new workplace culture, you might not have any close friends, and you do not have the essential duties mastered yet. It is easy to feel frustrated and to miss your old job and being surrounded by your mates. That being said, you can deal with the new job blues if you try these 7 tips:

1. Focus on learning every aspect of the job description

Although you may have already gone over this document with the boss, you can print out an extra copy, highlight it, and mark it up with notes. Ask other colleagues questions about the duties you do not fully understand. If they offer to let you sit with them, then accept all the help that is offered. Slowly, you will increase your confidence in this position.

2. Try to find one person you can trust

When we say this, we do not mean confide all your secrets into this person or complain about the boss or the colleagues. Find someone in the building but not on your team. Eat lunch together or meet up after work. Get the scoop on how to fit in to the organisation. If you have one good connection, you will feel start to blend into this new culture.

3. Build an exercise routine that you can look forward to after work each day

If you do not have this routine already established, you could even look into taking the plunge and asking a work acquaintance to be your partner.

4. Volunteer for a new committee or assignment

When you accept opportunities to work on projects or task forces beyond the scope of your job, it looks good to the boss. Networking also helps you make other connections in the organisation and understand the business culture on a different level.

5. Put in a little overtime when requested

You will have plenty of time in the future to seek a work-life balance. This will show the boss you are a team player, committed to the employer, and provide a chance to catch up on your work. It does not sound glamorous to work on Saturday or late in the evening, but it is easier to work when the office is deserted.

6. Listen to an inspirational program on the morning commute

If you are telecommuting, this means starting the day a little earlier. Otherwise, sitting in the car means you have plenty of time to listen to a podcast. You want to listen to positive speakers who have insights into your work-life. They may be industry related or just generally motivating you to be the best professional you can be.

7. Be an avid learner

It is easy to learn a new job over a few months and then feel like you are starting to stagnate, which could explain why you left the last position. In order to keep yourself motivated, be on the lookout for new things to learn, which doesn’t happen by being complacent. Your boss may give you professional development ideas, and you want to pursue those when you have time. You can also find things inside your own profession or in other fields that will challenge you to develop new skills or deepen existing skills.

As a lifelong learner who is fully engaged in the workplace, making connections with other colleagues, exercising, and putting extra effort into the new job, your performance should exceed your boss’s expectations. Just being in the right place at the right time and working hard could pay off sooner than you think. This is how you stay busy and overcome the new job blues!

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