How to close a skills gap?

How to close a skills gap?

Skills gap can be defined as when the skills of current-employees do not match the skills required to do the job. Many companies assume that hard tech skills are the major skill gap. However, employees may also lack the soft skills needed to do their job efficiently. Here is how you can close a skills gap in your organisation.

Bracket Strengths and Weaknesses

The first critical step in resolving the skills gap in your organisation is to identify the strengths and weaknesses of your team. You need to identify the skills you already have and the ones you need. You could approach this by brainstorming and observing your staff.

Identifying Overlooked Talents

One efficient method of tackling today’s skills gap challenge is by leveraging a non-traditional and increasingly diverse talent pool. These include hiring:

People Living with Disabilities

Companies that hire people living with disabilities achieve higher net income, higher revenue, reduced hiring-costs, improved customer support, and increased productivity. As an employer, you should ensure that you provide opportunities for such individuals as part of your overall hiring-strategy.


Veterans often outperform other employees; therefore, they contribute to the growth of an organisation. They also remain with the organisation longer than average tenure.

Mature Workers

It is smart to have mature workers at your organisation. Many of these workers have gained additional education and expanded their skills during employment and unemployment. Holding on to mature and talented-employees and hiring new ones is a smart business move for your organisation.

Modify Your Recruitment Attitude

Hiring-managers and HR teams often identify potential red flags in resumes to avoid the cost of making the wrong hiring-decision. However, as an employer, you should refocus your hiring-mindset to not miss out on skilled talent.

When reviewing job resumes and job application forms, focus on the knowledge, skills, abilities, and other factors you are looking for in the position. For example, older workers may have years of experience, job knowledge, and honed skills. In contrast, veteran workers may have broadly applicable skills such as leadership, teamwork, and attention to detail that can benefit your organisation.

Amend Your Job Recruitment Process

In addition to seriously assessing resumes, another critical factors to have your eyes on is analysing your hiring equipment and procedures. This will ensure that, as an employer, you are not overlooking professional talent. For example, you need to assess your application software periodically.

This will make sure you’re looking for pertinent records and now no longer inadvertently screening out resumes of people who can undoubtedly contribute to your business. Conduct a gap test of candidates the screening software program rejected to pick out certified applicants who may have fallen through the cracks. Also, revise the software program keyword algorithms effectively.

Come Up with Training Programs

As a business/organisational owner, you should consider partnering with local educational institutions and other organisations such as vocational schools. These partnerships have numerous advantages. One of them is that as an employer, you will have a pool of candidates who have acquired the skills you need. Provide materials or case studies from your organisation to the program to attract stronger applicants. This way, they can get to know your company better and be a better candidate.

Networking in the Community

There are numerous benefits to being part of the community. Actively seek community resources and networking opportunities to identify underutilised talent pools. You can also host an open house or information event by inviting job seekers through various promotional channels like billboards and social media. Through such avenues, these people will learn more about your organisation and you will get to speak to them in a more casual setting. An added benefit of these programs is that they enhance your organisation’s profile in the community.

Come Up with a Definite Plan

Closing the skills gap takes time, and it is crucial to stay positive and motivated. A well-written plan with specific steps and deadlines will help you stay focused and give you the ability to track your organisation’s progress. Planning also helps the organisation draft a course to achieve its goals. Planning also includes identifying the organisation’s results, what needs to be accomplished, and the steps to reach its desired destination.


Once you identify where your skills gap is, you can refer to this article to upskill your employees as well as your organisation. Your business will thrive only if you have the right training and support.

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