5 Things to Remember at a Job Interview

5 Things to Remember at a Job Interview

For many people, an appointment for a job interview ranks next to getting a root canal as things they’d rather not do. Questions during an interview can often be difficult to answer, and knowing how to properly present yourself in front of a hiring committee can be a downright mystifying endeavor. Fortunately, there are ways to get better at the job interview process, and with a bit of practice and preparation, anyone can take their job interview skills to the next level. Here are just five things to remember at your next interview, and why they matter!

1. It’s Normal to be Nervous
When we’re going through a job interview, we may feel like we’re totally out of our element, when in actuality the job interview process is off-putting for most people. By their nature, job interviews are confusing: We’re asked a number of perplexingly vague questions but are rarely given feedback on our answers, and it’s a bit like going into a series of final exams without ever knowing how we did. So remember, you’re not the only one who is nervous while interviewing, so don’t be hard on yourself about a case of the pre-interview jitters.

2. Discover How the Company Will Help You
If you really want to level the playing field in a job interview, remember to treat the situation as though you are the one interviewing the company. After all, accepting a position with a new employer is a big life choice that involves huge amounts of time and effort. Don’t be afraid to treat the interview as an information session in which you test the waters for a possible career move. It’s your life, don’t sell yourself short!

3. Don’t Take Rejection Personally
If you’ve already gotten a job interview, you’ve probably made a pretty good impression on hiring managers. On paper, you’re enough of a fit with the position that the company wants to know more about you. That doesn’t always mean that our in-person communication skills are the right match for the job, however, so if an interview doesn’t go according to plan, consider the fact that rejection is a very normal aspect of the job hunt and that now might be a good time to consider how you can improve on your job interview skills. Getting a “no” on an application is never easy, but accepting that rejection is part of the game can turn a negative interview experience into a stepping stone to greater things.

4. Do Your Homework!
We’ve probably all heard the question, “Why did you apply for this job?” during an interview session, and it’s an easy query to be blindsided by, and one that is usually placed in an interview to determine how much an applicant actually knows about the company itself. To give a great response to this question, try reading up on what the company you’re applying to is all about. What are their values? What is their work culture like? How do you fit into the company’s world view? When you can answer these questions easily, an interview will become a piece of cake.

5. Remember to Ask Questions
At the end of most job interviews, there will usually be an allotted time for candidates to ask questions to their interviewers. To really shine during this portion of the interview, applicants should definitely come prepared with a list of questions about the company. What qualities would allow an applicant to really excel in the position? What have previous employees in this role gone onto do in the next phase of their careers? Questions such as these will show hiring brass that you’re serious about doing well at the job!

To really take your job interview skills to the next level, it’s important to spend some time really thinking about where you’re applying to and why you want to work there. Sometimes the answer really comes down to basic needs such as paying bills or moving on from a toxic or dead-end current position, but it doesn’t hurt to find out why a potential employer can really help us to achieve our career objectives. Job interviewing is never easy, but with practice we can truly build on our strengths and wow hiring committees. And that is career-building at its best!

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