10d ago

Principal Policy Officer

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$100k ~ $100k
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Full job description

Do you have the policy skills and experience to play an integral role in the state’s transition to a circular economy?

Do you have initiative, drive and an interest in the waste and resource recovery sector? This role will play a central role in coordinating the review of the Environment Protection (Waste to Resources) Policy, 2010 to strengthen the circulation of materials and support South Australia's State Waste Strategy, 2025.

Job Details Preview
The Principal Policy Officer works within the Circular Economy & Waste Branch. The key functions of the Circular Economy & Waste Branch are Waste Regulation, Regulatory Strategy & Waste Policy, Waste Levy and Container Deposit Scheme & Product Stewardship. The position plays a key role in leading the review of the EPA's regulatory framework to support innovation and investment in the resource recovery sector as well as to promote sustainability through the implementation of a suite of legislative and policy reforms. The Principal Policy Officer works closely with waste compliance, legislative and policy officers to achieve effective and enforceable regulation.

Essential Qualifications

Desirable Qualifications
Relevant Tertiary Qualifications such as environmental management, policy or law.

Special Conditions
Some out of hours work and intra/inter state travel may be required.

Kate Hamer Principal Adviser Regulatory Strategy & Intelligence Phone Enquiries: 8204 8529 Email Enquiries: [email protected]  

Applications Sent To
[email protected]

Vacancy Number 481955

Applications Close 10/05/2022  


Job details
Date posted
23 Apr 2022
Government, Emergency & Defence
Policy, Planning & Regulation
$100k ~ $100k
Contract type
Work type
Full Time
Job mode
Standard Business hours
Digital Media
Private Business
Work Authorisation
Australian Citizen / Permanent Resident
Company size
201 to 1000

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