3 tips to refresh your LinkedIn profile

3 tips to refresh your LinkedIn profile
Are you looking for factors to consider when refreshing your LinkedIn profile? If so, you’re in the right place. LinkedIn is an excellent tool for networking and building relationships with potential clients. It’s essential to make sure your profile is up-to-date and looks fantastic. It is also one place where people can see what kind of person they’re working with before meeting them face-to-face or talking on the phone. This blog post will discuss three quick tips that are critical in updating your profile and making it look more professional.

01: Customise Your URL

Customising your public profile URL is a factor you may want to consider. Doing so makes it easier for recruiters, employees and hiring managers to find your profile because they can search for a specific name instead of having a long string of numbers or characters. It also allows others to see who has viewed their profiles by going into the “People Also Viewed” section on their own profiles page. If there are any connections between them, these potential contacts could become actual leads if done correctly via messaging / outreach approach, which we recommend. Company size, position, and location are critical when searching for potential leads.

02: Use a Professional Picture

Many people make the mistake of using their personal Facebook profile picture as their LinkedIn profile picture, which can give the wrong impression. Your LinkedIn profile picture should be professional and business-like. It’s a good idea to update your profile picture regularly so that visitors see what you look like currently. If you have a current headshot, then use it. If not, consider hiring a photographer to take some new photos.

It’s helpful if employees, employers, and recruiters see different images of you in various situations and settings. This picture gives them something new each time they visit the site or app – making it more likely for those people who aren’t familiar with you yet. You should also make sure that you use the right keywords in your description of yourself, as this will help people find you when they’re searching.

03: Write a Summary Statement

Your summary is the perfect place to sell yourself and highlight and add your skills, endorsements, and experience. In the summary section of your profile, you should write about who you are as an individual and what makes you qualified for the job. This section is where people go if they want to learn more information about someone before contacting them on LinkedIn or sending out their resume via email attachment/link in message body text itself (which we recommend).

It is critical to ensure that there’s enough information in this section so anyone reading it will have some idea of who they’re dealing with. Give yourself space between paragraphs by using bullet points instead of long blocks without line breaks throughout, which can be hard on eyesight when scanning through pages quickly after viewing lots of other profiles online. Be sure to highlight what makes you stand out from the competition.

Now that we’ve gone over three quick tips for refreshing your LinkedIn profile be sure to put them into action and see how they work for you. Please let us know if you want us to write more factors and tricks on using the LinkedIn platform.

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